Lowell Street Green Line Station Meeting - Sound, Light and Vibration Meeting
On Monday, March 24, 2014 at 6:00PM at the VNA facility located at 259 Lowell St in the third floor community room, Alderman Mark Niedergang, members of the design team from the Department of Transportation and the MBTA as well as other elected officials will present the plans for sound, light and vibration attenuation for the new Lowell Street Green Line station.
We encourage all residents who are within shouting distance of the station to attend this meeting, hear what is proposed and ask your own questions. If you cannot attend, please feel free to contact Alderman Mark Niedergang,(617-629-8033 or m.neidergang@comcast.net, the design team members for the station or me.
Hope to see you there.
Joe Lynch
Magoun Square Neighborhood Association