Magoun Square Construction to Begin in Spring 2010

The September 16, 2009 meeting at the VNA was well attended by area residents, businesses and property owners as well as city officials. Alderman O'Donovan welcomed the attendees and David Giangrande of Design Consultants, Inc., the city's project consultant, gave an overview of the final design.

The nine year old, $3.1 million dollar, federally funded project is scheduled to begin in earnest in the spring of 2010. Preliminary utility work is expected to continue, weather permitting, until the end of 2009.

The Massachusettts Highway Department, assisted by Somerville's Department of Public Works will co-manage the project.

We will be posting a more detailed timeline and history of the project in the coming weeks on this site. Please follow the link on this site to the City of Somerville's website, Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development, major projects list.

If you have any questions in the interim, please do not hesitate to call or email me directly at or 617-623-0891.

We look forward to the start of this long promised revitalization of Magoun Square.